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How did COVID impact the curation of the exhibition?In regular times, we would have put on a physical exhibition in Leeds. But due to the global pandemic, both our practices and the curation of the exhibition had to be altered to adapt to the circumstances. All planning and correspondence has been done remotely, and in keeping with that, the exhibition is only able to be viewed remotely. That being said, we believe we have still been able to put together a cohesive and exciting collection. But we do hope to be able to show our work physically in the near future.
Who are we?We are a group of seven BA Fine Art students from the University of Leeds. We come from all across the UK and from different backgrounds. Our practices range from sculpture, to animation, to installation, and have come together through the common theme of Imagined Realities.
Why did you decide to work together as a group?Though very different visually, our work is linked through the common theme of Imagined Realities. We all share an interest in the line between the real and unreal, and has thus culminated in this collaborative endeavor.
What is the purpose of the exhbition?The purpose of the exhibition is to showcase our work and give an insight into to our individual practices. It has been curated in a way that aims to provide an immersive experience within the confines of the computer screen.
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